A simpler approach at testing Redux middlewares

July 22, 2019

One of the hardest parts of testing Redux components is having to mock the store. It seems that every project has its own idiosincratic way of simulating it, leaving you with the task of understanding how they decided to implement it. Usually, this means navigating through multiple util packages to grok how everything was pierced together.

Maybe that’s why this talk made so much sense to me. It basically claims that you should be able to understand tests without having to read more code than what it is within the confines of one function, even if this means duplicating your code. That is, favor readability in spite of DRY-ness.

In the spirit of this idea, I tried to simplify the way I test Redux middlewares and came up with this:

import api from '../middlewares/api';
import { API_REQUEST } from '../actions/api';
import fetchMock from 'fetchMock';

it('should trigger a call to fetch()', () => {
	const store = {
		getState: jest.fn(() => ({})),
		dispatch: jest.fn()
	const next = jest.fn();
	const action = {type: API_REQUEST, meta: {}};


Which, as you can see, mocks the whole store in a couple of lines of code. Here, we are testing that the API_REQUEST action triggers a call to fetch().

This code is neither DRY nor it exposes an interface to enable reusability. Probably, there are going to be cases when you are going to need a more complex store, and you’ll end up writing multiple implementations for each individual case. Writing code on a per-test basis might seem counter-intuitive but you’ll have to admit the readability of this line of code is a lot better than any obscure mockStore() function:


Which is immediately recognizable by anyone that knows the signature of a Redux middleware function. Writing tests in this way ensures that whomever is reading our code is going to immediately understang where we are going and doesn’t need to spend a lot of time understanding our really smart store implementation.

This might be one of the the better examples for the old adage “clear is better than clever”. Although I love reading clever code, because there is always something to learn from it, reading it inside tests (where you are supposed to understand what clever code is trying to achieve) always feels like an overkill.